Earthbuilt A Technology for
Our Times.
Holds a hose when the world is burning.
Earthbuilt® reverses the ‘green premium’ in construction tech using the circular ecconomy, addressing: Climate change, low-value waste, housing shortages, rising building costs, low productivity, and loss of habitats.
30,050 Billion clay bricks are fired each year, producing in excess of 92% of the world’s stationary black carbon, much of which settles in the Himalayan and Andean glaciers. This causes direct ice melt and contributes directly to disasters such as the 2022 floods in Pakistan. In addition, brick firing produces as much as 40% of the brick’s mass in greenhouse gases. But even the best gas-fired kilns produce 23% of their mass in CO2.

Earthbuilt® Turns waste into high-value, low-cost, low carbon buildings.
Earthbuilt Technology Pty Ltd is a ‘for the public good’ B-Corp that invents technology for the good of humanity and Planet Earth.

What will
Earthbuilt® do

Cut greenhouse Gas
Each Earthbuilt® means serious climate impact. Old-fashioned alternatives to Earthbuilt® are responsible for more than 4% of the world’s carbon gas emissions. But Earthbuilt™ aims to replace these and save billions of tons of CO2. Each Earthbuilt® machine will displace about 60 tons of CO2/year, reuse about 180 tons of landfill and save the costs of the purchase and laying costs of about 200,000 bricks (5 medium-sized homes).

Save the glaciers and polar ice
30,050 Billion clay bricks are fired each year, most in primitive brick factories that produce in excess of 92% of the world’s black carbon. Carbon particulates are heat-absorbent and conductive, so they heat the atmosphere and settle wherever the wind blows, causing ice melt of the world’s remaining glaciers, contributing directly to disasters such as the 2022 floods in Pakistan. In contrast, Earthbuilt® produces no carbon particulates.

House all of humanity
By 2025, 1.6 billion people are expected to be affected by a global housing shortage. Earthbuilt® will significantly lower the price of residential housing, making it more affordable for the world’s poor.
Earthbuilt® - The Construction
Technology for Our Times.
Earthbuilt® is fireproof and always ready.
SuppEarthbuilt® is fireproof and is rated for Australia’s highest specification for fire zone construction. But it’s not just for building safe houses. The technology can be used to create kilometres of vertical firebreaks to prevent the spread of fire in the first place. ort your header with
Earthbuilt is earthquake proof.
Earthbuilt® is far more ductile than brick or concrete. When shaken Earthbuilt® becomes a non-Newtonian fluid, that self-heals rather than cracks. Similar structures have been tested for more than 2 decades on one of California’s worst fault lines and have been found to be ideal for earthquake resistance.
Roll out Earthbuilt® as waters rise
Earthbuilt® is cheap and fast enough to roll out as riverbanks and levies are threatening to breach. The technology can also be specified to biodegrade so it leaves no non-organic footprint. It can contain seed, to grow and hold a river’s edges as the organic Earthbuilt® turns to soil.a short one liner.
the Future
Imagine a home that’s like any others in the street – but unlike all the rest, it is the only one to survive a wildfire, an earthquake and a flood without serious damage. The home is also built with revolutionary technology that’s almost 0-Carbon, and… It cost only a fraction of any of the alternatives.
We’re talking Earthbuilt®.
Peter Standen Managing Director, Partridge Structural Pty Ltd
Earthbuilt system will be able to be used similar to unreinforced load bearing masonry construction, eg. housing. Further applications are expected to extend to foundations, retaining walls and compacted subgrade. We are very excited about the potential for this product to reduce cost of construction and significantly reduce the embodied energy and carbon footprint of buildings constructed with the Earthbuilt system.
Professor Bem Le Hunte Transdiciplinary School UTS
Imagine a technology that solves two problems at once – removing carbon from a major polluting industry whilst also providing affordable housing. Earthbuilt® addresses the complex challenges of our time using transdisciplinary creative methods to create social and ecological impact.
Nick Hazell founder and former CEO of V2food
How we build is one of the big contributors to climate change but no truly scalable solutions up til now. Earthbuilt fundamentally rethinks how we build. It’s zero carbon footprint and much cheaper than cement and bricks. It should be an absolute game changer which could scale globally. Brilliant innovation that could really make a difference.
Alex Manger Angel Investor
I was initially attracted to Earthbuilt because of Jan’s drive to make it a success, but I soon understood the scope and impact Earthbuilt will have on building industry and the global environment.
Over time I understood more about how big the opportunity is and this led me to invest in the company.
Whilst there are many investments made purely because of the financial gain, I invested in Earthbuilt because it showed potential for large financial gain as well as a real impact on the environment in every corner of the planet.